Friday, July 25, 2014

Refining the Purpose

I have decided to change the focus of my blog to lifestyle, and everything that I want to post.
I love beauty and fashion, but I am not an expert in any ways. The point of me blogging was so I can share my experiences and become a better communicator. I spent some time this past months reflecting on my life goals and interests since I just recently became a college graduate. After deferring a year on graduate school, I've made my final decision to work for a year. As of now, I am set to go back to graduate school, but we shall see how the life unfolds as this awkward college graduate pretends to know what she's doing with her life.

Because of the change of direction and refined purpose for my blog, I have deleted the old posts on my beauty reviews on some of the products. I plan to still share my reviews, but I didn't want to only focus on product reviews. There may be more changes in the making including possibly the name, layouts, and such. But I feel assured and am excited about these changes ever since I've decided on a more clarified direction of what I want my blog to be, what I hope to gain from this experience, and what I'd like to share with others. 

There are many pictures and things in the process, and idea that I wrote down for later. Stay tuned for the food, travel, beauty, reviews, and other posts!

Here's a picture of flowers during my summer road trip from Pennsylvania to Alabama: